When I first started learning web development, I found terms like
static site, dynamic site, server-side rendering and single-page
application quite confusing. It wasn’t clear to me what the
differences were and exactly how many ways there were to render a
web page. In this article I would like to look at the different
ways that websites can be assembled and delivered to the browser
and clarify some of the associated terminology.
Note: a good place to try out the examples in this article and
experiment with regexes is Regex101. INTRODUCTION Regular
expressions (or ‘regexes’) are a kind of code you can
use to target certain words or characters in some text. For
example, if you want to find all instances of the word
“JavaScript”, you could use this regular expression:
/JavaScript/ At its most basic, a regex is just some characters
between two forward slashes.
We’re going to learn how to build and deploy a MERN-stack
app (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) for free to Heroku. For this
example, we’ll build a simple app where the user can add the
name of a country and the capital city and this information will
be displayed in a table. You can find the source code here. If you
already have a MERN app ready to deploy, you can use that but
you’ll need to make a number of small changes to your code.
We’re going to look at how to implement sliding page
transitions in a React app. The application will have three pages
which the user can navigate between using arrows. These page
changes will be animated - appearing to slide in and out of view.
You can find the source code here. To help us achieve our goals,
we’ll be using the react-transition-group library for this
project. Let’s start by creating a new React project with
Setting up a server in Node using the Express framework is very
straightforward. First of all, you need to make sure you have Node
installed on your computer. If you’re not sure you have it
installed, you can check by entering this command in the terminal:
node -v If you have Node installed, this will tell you the
version. If you don’t, you’ll see an error and then you should
download it.